小编:Eileen 150今天,环球教育解琦老师将带领大家读英文原著,学最地道的英文表达,让你的英文口语和写作水平上一个台阶。这一次,我们以科幻小说《华氏451度》为例,我们会按照小说顺序逐步为大家讲解,比如本次带来的文章便是小说第一章"The Hearth and the Salamander"中的内容。解琦老师的文中包含语言学习和佳句赏析两个部分,带大家在提高语言能力的基础上进一步增强文学赏析的能力。
华氏451度,也就是摄氏223度,是令纸张燃烧的温度。在《华氏451度》里,科幻小说大师Ray Bradbury虚拟了一个未来的人类世界,在这个世界里,消防员不是以灭火而是以纵火焚书为职。因此,文明被破坏,思想被压制,社会发展几乎停滞。人们惰于思考,精神空虚。小说主人公Guy Montag从事消防员工作已经十年,他从未对自己的职业产生过疑虑,直到他遇到了女孩Clarisse McClellan,在与Clarisse的交谈中,Montag开始重新思考自己的职业并发起挑战,故事的结局充满希望。
With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history.
“The blood pounded in his head”(译文:血液重击着他的大脑)可以被理解为描写Montag焚书时兴奋的心情。pound常见义为“连续猛击”,例:Heavy rain pounded on the roof. 大雨重重击打着屋顶。
例:Her heart was pounding with excitement when she finally got to see her favorite writer in person. 当她亲眼见到她最喜欢的作家本人时,她兴奋地心怦怦直跳。
大火燃烧起来后,文中写道:He(Montag) strode in a swarm of fireflies. 在一大群萤火虫中,他大踏步走路。作者没有用a large group of,而是用a swarm of来表达“一大群,大量”。
例:a swarm of bees/flies 一大群蜜蜂/苍蝇
There were swarms of tourists taking photographs at the Palace Museum. 在故宫,有一大群游客在拍照。
swarm也可以做动词用, 意思为“成群地涌动,蜂拥”。
例:Tourists were swarming all over the island. 岛上到处是游客熙来攘往。
3.go up不只是“上去”
见到go up,我们首先想到的是“上去”或者“上涨”,这是这个词组最普通的字面含义。除此之外,它还可以表示“燃烧”。
焚书开始后,小说里描写了火焰中的书:...the books went up in sparkling whirls...书本在旋转的火花中燃烧。
再比如:The house went up in flames. 这座房子燃起熊熊大火。
With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black.
stolid adj. 冷漠的,面无表情的
flick v. 轻弹
igniter n. 点火器
gorge v. 狼吞虎咽,吞食
这段文字中最令人赞叹的是对大火的描写,形容词gorging(贪婪的,吞噬的)和定语从句that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black(大火映红了天空,把夜空照得忽明忽暗)让读者眼前呈现出一副烈火冲天燃烧的画面。gorge本义为“狼吞虎咽地吞食”,在这里用来修饰大火,用拟人的修辞手法来展现吞噬一切的大火。his eyes all orange flame(他的眼中映出橘色的火焰)和red、yellow、black等几种不同的颜色更加形象地刻画了火光映照周围一切的样子,令人读后有身临其境之感。