小编:小棉袄 150A类小作文
图表类型: | 柱状图 |
作文题目: | The chart shows the percentage of unemployed people aged between 15 and 24 in five European countries in 2005, with the overall unemployment in 2005. |
作文图片: |
作文题目: | Some people say government should give the health care the first priority, some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers’ money. Discuss both views and give your opinion. |
题型类别: | 双边讨论 |
题材类别 | 政府类 |
类似旧题: | 05.07.09=07.01.20 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people think it is not the government's responsibility. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
10.10.30 |
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