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小编:Eileen 136


  1.世界经济论坛  World Economic Forum, WEF


  President Xi Jinping on Tuesday delivered a keynote speech at the opening plenary of the 2017 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


  在反经济全球化思潮抬头、贸易保护主义(trade protectionism)明显上升的背景下,习近平指出,经济全球化是社会生产力发展的客观要求和科技进步的必然结果(economic globalization resulted from growing social productivity, and is a natural outcome of scientific and technological progress)。经济全球化确实带来了新问题(it is true that economic globalization has created new problems),但把困扰世界的问题简单归咎于经济全球化,既不符合事实,也无助于问题解决(just blaming economic globalization for the world's problems is inconsistent with reality, and it will not help solve the problems)。

  在题为《共担时代责任 共促全球发展》(Jointly Shoulder Responsibility of Our Times, Promote Global Growth)的主旨演讲中,习近平主席深刻回答"世界怎么了"、"我们怎么办"等重大问题,为经济全球化和世界经济发展指明了正确方向。习近平在讲话中强调,当前,世界经济长期低迷(the global economy has remained sluggish for quite some time)的根源(root cause)在于:全球增长动能不足,难以支撑世界经济持续稳定增长(lack of robust driving forces for global growth makes it difficult to sustain the steady growth of the global economy);全球经济治理滞后,难以适应世界经济新变化(inadequate global economic governance makes it difficult to adapt to new developments in the global economy);全球发展失衡,难以满足人们对美好生活的期待(uneven global development makes it difficult to meet people's expectations for better lives)。

  习近平主席还提出了"四个坚持"的中国方案(Chinese solutions):坚持创新驱动,打造富有活力的增长模式(develop a dynamic, innovation-driven growth model);坚持协同联动,打造开放共赢的合作模式(pursue a well-coordinated and inter-connected approach to develop a model of open and win-win cooperation);坚持与时俱进,打造公正合理的治理模式(develop a model of fair and equitable governance in keeping with the trend of the times);坚持公平包容,打造平衡普惠的发展模式(develop a balanced, equitable and inclusive development model)。

  习近平主席的演讲引发强烈反响。美国《华尔街日报》认为,在美国和西方世界对全球化价值的质疑声增加(doubts about the merits of globalization mount)时,中国国家主席习近平用洪亮的声音捍卫了国际贸易和经济融合(issue a full-throated defense of international trade and economic integration)。英国《卫报》网站发表文章称,中国国家主席习近平在达沃斯论坛的演讲为经济全球化强力辩护,呼吁各国继续支持巴黎气候变化协议(urge that all countries continue to support the Paris climate change accord),显示出中国有意在国际舞台上承担更重要的角色(take a bigger role on the global stage)。世界经济论坛主席施瓦布(WEF Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab)表示:"习近平主席发表了非常重要的讲话,为我们带来了阳光(bring us some sunshine)。听了习主席的演讲使我们对未来更有信心。"分析人士称,习近平对于开放型经济的承诺(commitment to an open economy)和对贸易保护主义的坚决反对(firm opposition)将为全球经济带来更多信心。


  命运共同体 community of shared destiny

  联动发展 inter-connected development

  可持续发展 sustainable development

  全球治理 global governance

  双刃剑 double-edged sword

  中方代表团 Chinese delegation

  国事访问 state visit

  2.终身责任制  lifelong accountability system


  China will carry out a lifelong accountability system for polluters to arrest worsening soil pollution.


  我国近日首次发布《污染地块土壤环境管理办法》。办法提出,按照"谁污染,谁治理"原则,造成土壤污染的单位或个人应当承担治理与修复污染地块的责任(be responsible for treating and restoring contaminated land),土壤污染治理与修复实行终身责任制(lifelong accountability system)。

  办法规定,对拟开发利用为居住用地(residential land)和商业、学校、医疗、养老机构等公共设施(public facilities)用地的污染地块(contaminated land),经风险评估(risk assessment)确认需要治理与修复的,土地使用权人(land users)应当开展治理与修复。由第三方机构按照国家有关环境标准和技术规范(technical standards),开展效果评估,编制评估报告,并向社会公开,时间不得少于两个月(be open to the public for no less than two months)。如果污染地块未经治理与修复,或者经治理与修复但未达到相关规划用地土壤环境质量要求,有关环保主管部门(environmental protection authorities)将不予批准相应建设项目环境影响报告书或报告表。


  餐桌污染 dining table pollution, food contamination

  空气污染 air pollution

  电子垃圾 electronic waste,e-waste

  循环利用 recycling

  废物处理 waste disposal

  生态破坏 ecological destruction

  3.刷脸进站  "face swiping" check-in


  Some Chinese railway stations are offering "face swiping" check-in services to cope with the Spring Festival travel rush, which began on Jan 13.


  据报道,北京、上海、广州、郑州、太原、武汉、南昌、西安、长沙等地部分火车站已采用"刷脸"进站("face swiping" check-in)。这些车站的自动检票机(automatic fare-collection gate)上都安装了摄像头,旅客走近机器时,它会抓取旅客脸部信息(facial information),与身份证芯片里的照片进行比对,票证信息相符(ticket information conforms to ID card information)、人脸与证件照比对通过,闸机自动放行。通常3至6秒便能成功通行,解放了人力也方便了旅客。"刷脸"进站采用人脸识别技术(face recognition technology),这是基于人的脸部特征(facial features)进行身份识别(identity recognition)的一种生物识别技术(biological recognition technology)。

  "刷脸"进站不是所有旅客都能用,持有红色车票的不能使用;持有学生票、残疾人票等减价车票(discounted ticket)的,需要人工核验(manual check)减价的证件,只能走人工通道。工作人员提醒旅客,为顺利"刷脸"进站,车票上的二维码(QR code)要朝前,同时,要摘掉口罩、帽子、太阳镜(remove masks, hats and sunglasses)等遮挡物。化淡妆不会影响识别(light makeup will not influence the recognition),尚不清楚机器是否能识别整过容的人(it is unclear whether the machine could recognize people who have undergone plastic surgery)。

  除了人脸识别技术,今年春运还采用了虚拟现实(virtual reality, VR)、机器人等"黑科技"。汉口、武汉火车站提供VR站内导航(navigation)功能,旅客通过手机,实现进站、安检、候车、站台一路"虚拟行走"(passengers can use phone to virtually experience entering the stations, passing through security check and getting to the waiting rooms and platforms)。广州南站与深圳北站配备了机器人小璐,可语音回答旅客有关列车时刻(train schedules)、购票信息、地点指引(directions)等问询,应旅客需求即兴表演机器人歌舞(the robot can give an impromptu performance of singing and dancing, if asked to do so by a passenger)。在北京站打开手机蓝牙功能(turn on your phone's Bluetooth),通过微信摇一摇打开一个服务页面(use the "shake" service of WeChat to get a service interface),点击不同项目即可进行候车室导航、正晚点查询、遗失物品(lost items)查找、呼叫轮椅服务(wheelchair service)等。


  临客列车 temporary train

  高铁 high-speed train

  动车 bullet train

  直达列车 nonstop train

  正点率 on-schedule rate

  补票 replacement ticket

  倒票 ticket scalping

  囤票 hoard tickets

  黄牛 scalper

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