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小编:小棉袄 242
摘要:此次试题依旧延续了S1 和S4 是填空,S2 和3 是选择配对地图的题型设置。


S1 10 道填空,考了常规的旅行场景

S1 旅行计划

1. there are large numbers of birds.(强哥提示: 注意birds 的英音读法,不卷舌,


2. special accommodation tent.

3. final destination mountains

4. have a view on the way to cave

5. have lunch by waterfall

6. activity in the evening, swim

7. you can ride a horse, but u should not have back problem (强哥提示: 注意back


8. there is a path, you should wear walking boots (强哥提示: 步行靴)

9. you can have a discount if book online

10. have a good relationship with insurance company

此次S1 没有考察常规的数字,字母等基本信息类题的反应速度,10 道题全部



此题类似于C7T1S2 的后半部分填空题单词,但考察难度是没有C7 那道题难


S2 学校地图以及学校对不良行为的处理11-15 选择16-20 地图

11. how many kinds of wild birds are there?

C. 19

12. the most popular activity is A. pony riding( 强哥提示: pony 为小马驹)

13. where does the farm staff payment come from C. city council(市委员会)

14. what can volunteer children students working there do? B know better the

problem farmers faced

15-20 回忆不详


S3 重建城市的课程讨论21-26 选择27-30 配对

21. the subjects in questionnaire survey are C people who earn living in the are

22. result of questionnaire A directly reply via electronic digital

23. how to show building to others B drawing digital history building mas C

small groups to have a presentation (此题选B 还是C 不确定)

24. what do the tutor think the presentation should be A given by a group


25. suggestion after result of questionnaire C take into consideration of both sides

26. what do the two students feel the result of the project A earn respect

27-30 配对

A internet B national press journalist C local newspaper D radio E council

meeting F TV G community reference

27. map---B

28. photos--C

29. budget--E

30. comment--D


S4 水下自动工程车10 道填空题

31. AUV looks like a small airplane

32. act like a robot(强哥提示: 注意拼写:两个“o

Can be used to

--measure water temperature and pressure

33. --measure level of salt concentration

34. rely on water quality and depth

Measure are used to help us conduct

--how the ocean behaves

35. --how the ocean impacts on the climate


--easy to launch and operate

36. --handle tasks that can not be done by humans

--can not link to ship by cables (强哥提示: 注意复数,缆绳)


37.---can’t take samples as not to assess the pollution in environment:chemical level

(强哥提示: 化学药品)

How to make it

38. collect data from as it moves to the surface of sea floor

39. use oil gas that is pumped between the two bladders

40. scientists send the messages by using satellite phone: lack of . antenna(天线)

in the left

此次S4 从单词难度上来说是不难的,但是据考生回忆,S4 语速很快,应该略

快于剑桥雅思S4 的常规语速,但注意了是略快,而不是快很多,所以烤鸭们不

要太夸张啦。不过这10 道题答案大多不是直接读出来的。

此题类似于C9T3S4,但语速略快于C9;此场景类似于C7T3S3 的海底漂浮物

那道题,当然难度比C7 的那道难很多,但场景类似.


从这2 个月的7 场雅思考试来看。今年的S1 还是延续了往年的常规场景,求


说S1 的可复习性是很强的,一定要把往年的S1 旧题题库填空题答案单词背好;

S2S3 考察的是选择配对地图题,对同义替换和反应速度要求很高,烤鸭们一定


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