小编:cherry 105雅思考场上时间紧,气氛凝重,很多考生都会遇到写雅思作文时候忘词的现象。为了避免这种状况,环球教育老师给大家总结了3种忘词时的换词方法,希望童鞋们在雅思考试时能够急中生智灵活替换。
词大体可分为两类:笼统词和具体词。笼统词的特点在于意义广泛、搭配性强。虽然它们独自不能精确表达一个动作,但在构成词组以后可替代很多具体词。写作中遇到一些具体词写不出来的时候,用笼统词取代,能收到异曲同工之妙。最常用的笼统词有 have,take等。
例:迈克经历了一个极其艰苦的时代。Mike experienced a terrible hard time.写作时,若忘记了experience可用笼统词have代替,写成Mike had a terrible hard time.同样能收到预期效果。
Are you married?=Do you have a wife/husband?
Do you understand my meaning?=Do you take my meaning?
She will subscribe(订阅)to China Today.=She will take China Today.
例:昨晚做了一场恶梦。Mr.IELTS had a nightmare last night.因nightmare使用率不高,不易记住。但其同义词bad dream易记。上句可换译为:Mr.IELTShad a bad dream last night.
The food is tasty.=The food is nice toeat.=The food is delicious.
We discontinued the work at nine.=We stopped the work at nine.
This woman is talkative.=This woman is never quiet.
This car is expensive.=This car is not cheap.
例:我从没见过如此厚颜无耻之人。I've never seen such a shameless person.=I've never seen such a person who have no honor.
如果我们想得到文凭,我们必须首先通过考试。If we want to obtain a diploma,we must first pass the exams.=If we want to get a graduation paper,we must first pass the exams.
工厂里的烟囱(chimney)拔地而起。High chimneys have appeared in the factories.=The factories are full of high chimneys.=A lot of high chimneys can be seen in the factories.
他数学考试取得优异成绩,被大学录取了。He passed the maths exam/succeeded in the maths exam and became a college student.
中午我们吃了野餐。At noon we had a picnic.=At noon we had our lunch in the open air.